Darci Fulcher

Darci Jens Fulcher (she/her) is an intimacy coordinator certified by Intimacy Professionals Association who specializes in movement and choreography. She works out of New Orleans, Los Angeles, and the midwest. She holds an MFA in physical performance from Dell’Arte and has fifteen years of experience facilitating the physicality of scenes. She draws on 10+ years of film and live performance in roles as both cast and crew to support scenes of intimacy from pre-production to post. In the past year her work has been shown at Outfest and she recently worked alongside renowned director Ramell Ross in The Nickel Boys.  

She leans on her sexual assault prevention, bystander intervention, and undoing racism training to offer a transparent and efficient production process. Darci is a natural collaborator and looks for opportunities to help support the director’s vision for each film and TV production. She believes in the power of the body to tell stories where words fall short. She strives to create an on-set culture where people can thrive, and their full humanity is honored.

Email: darcijensfulcher@gmail.com