Natalia Intasqui

Natalia (she/her) earned her first degree in Social Communication at Faculdade Cásper Líbero. She then went on to work for almost 15 years in the audiovisual industry, mostly as director and content creator, which brought her in contact daily with the challenge of directing people and leading teams. It was this experience that led her in 2014 to seek more knowledge about the human mind through the study of Psychoanalysis and later to specialize in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, and Neuroscience at Mackenzie University.

She has been working clinically for 9 years both in companies (promoting emotional safety programs) and for executives, artists, communicators, and others. Her most recent project was working as Production HR for MasterChef Brasil, at EndemolShine Brasil. She is based in Sao Paulo, Brazil and is certified in Unscripted IC work.
