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Rogue Rubin

Rogue Rubin (she/her) has been in the film industry for over 20 years, living based out of Melbourne and working as a commercial and unscripted director in Los Angeles in addition to working on high profile scripted television shows.

She was born in Cape Town, South Africa to a Zimbabwean mother and South African Father. She has lived and traveled extensively in Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, the Middle East, the US, and parts of Europe. Although she always knew she would work in film and television, as an immigrant there was an expectation that she first attend law school, and so she did a dual degree in law and psychology before getting her Master’s degree in film.

As an Intimacy Coordinator herself who also works as a director she has incredible respect for the director and the overall process. She understands where and when an intimacy coordinator is needed and how to have the role help the director but not intrude on their artistic vision or the overall process.