Tatiana Barrero

Tatiana (she/her) is interested in anything related to the dynamics of the body and its language. Experienced in both production and performance, she is a multi-disciplinary artist, an intimacy coordinator, casting director, trained filmmaker, and actress. She acted in Latin American Netflix hits such as: Colmenares, Las Villamizar y El Cartel. Fluent in English, Portuguese, and a native Spanish speaker, her agility and cross-cultural flexibility are among her greatest strengths. Her interest in art’s relationship with society makes her a committed professional and she works with clear intention. She has been trained as an intimacy coordinator by Amanda Blumenthal for AMAZON LATIN AMERICA, and is proud to bring safer, ethical environments to acting professionals. The intimacy coordinator role suits Tatiana well because she is interested in art’s impact, deeply understands both the actors' and production team's positions, and is committed to the best practices of this cutting-edge and deeply influential role.

Email: tatianabarrerol@gmail.com